I considered blogging as one of my passion so I tried reading loads of stuff every day and when I know something worth to share I blog about it. While searching the net I come across this site wherein you can bookmark your site/blog in more than 250 bookmarking site. So if you have no money to hire a virtual assistant to do this for you why not spend few of your time doing it on your own. What you need to do is to make sure that your registered in any of the bookmarking site before using this program. Anyway I will share some video tutorial which I found in the net which can help you in using this social poster for bookmarking your site/blog. If you know a little of SEO you will surely know the importance of submitting your site/blog in different social bookmarking site because it can help you gain traffic at the same time it can increase your pagerank.
How to use Social Poster in Bookmarking site Video Tutorial
Let me add something that manual submission is still the best form of adding or submitting your site/blog to social bookmarking site, but if you have no time and you are in a hurry to do more important things then social poster can help you in submitting your site and blog in social bookmarking site. So I hope that what I have shared can help your blogging experienced more fun and exciting. I am still new in blogging, but whenever I will find something new and helpful I will surely share it with you.
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